Welcome! Thank you for being here. Eearth Travel is a travel lifestyle blog that has been moving us to a new city each year. We picked one year because one year is long enough to find hidden gems but also temporary enough to motivate us to get out there and explore often.

What is Eearth Travel About?

The idea of Eearth Travel was hatched when we moved out west and regretted not exploring more of Atlanta, the hometown we had lived in for most our lives. It’s easy to get comfortable and take your home for granted, so we wanted to practice finding adventure in our every day and open our eyes to the awe and wonder like our visitors do. Since then, we’ve been traveling full time but with a focus on exploring locally or in our greater backyard, and most recently Eearth Travel was named one of the Top 5 Travel Blogs in the US and World.

Goals for Eearth Travel, Ourselves, and Our readers

  • to be grateful for whatever circumstances we find our lives in
  • to see our hometown, state, or country with fresh eyes
  • to be open to new experiences and take baby steps outside our comfort zones


Eearth Travel also partners with several non-profits and folks who are doing amazing things in the community and the world. By reading our blog or making a purchase using any of our affiliate links, you are also helping support:

  • Thirst Project – Did you know $25 can provide one person clean drinking water for life? So far with your help, Eearth Travel has built 4 wells with Thirst Project (at Nginamadvolo, Sithawulane, Geza Primary School, Bulandzeni Primary School). Seth and the folks at Thirst Project inspire us live more generously every day. You can also donate on your own, start your own fundraising project, or learn more about how you can help here.
  • Presencia – a neighborhood-based tutoring, mentoring and leadership development program in Atlanta’s immigrant community. We have watched our friends, Ian and Ruthie, work tirelessly for over a decade to be a second family to these kids. We’ve also watched these kids grow up and become leaders in their community. You can read more about a recent trip we took with them.
  • Best Friends Animal Sanctuary – after losing our boys, we adopted Ollie and Leo at Best Friends, which is the largest shelter of it’s kind. They are home for up to 1,600 dogs, cats, birds, bunnies, horses, pigs, and other animals and aim to bring the entire nation to no-kill by 2025.
  • Furkids – the largest cage-free no-kill shelter in the Southeast. Our Mika and Sebastian were from here and we’ve always admired Sam and all the volunteers and how much love they have for all the animals.
  • ACLU – Any ad rev or affiliates made on our Black Owned Business posts go towards ACLU.

Our goal is that 50% of our profits will go to giving back. We’re not quite there yet, but maybe in a few years!

GOAL - $200K in 2023 66%


Current City: Las Vegas
Favorite City in the World: San Diego
Favorite Eearth Travel: Climbing at Red Rock

I was born in Korea, but my parents gave up everything to move to the US, and I grew up as a PK in the Midwest since I was 3. Travel was too much of a luxury, and my only trips were to visit family in Korea thanks to my uncle. It wasn’t until I turned 18 that I started traveling on my own. In 2010, I started sharing our travel adventures on our wedding website, and in 2013, it became an outlet when I was in a career transition, lost, and spiraling into depression. I needed a new project, and it was a way to document my adventures after moving cross country.

My friends described me as “indoorsy” until I started training for the 4-Day Hike to Machu Picchu. Since then, I’ve gotten into hiking and climbing (mainly bouldering). You can follow along on Pinterest and Instagram.

About Jacob


Current City: Las Vegas
Favorite City in the World: Puerto Ayora, Galapagos Islands
Favorite Eearth Travel: Dig This

I was born and raised in Atlanta, so that makes me a southern boy! I used to be a full-time YouTuber, and I even created a kid’s Puppet Show, but now I work full time on Eearth Travel. My greatest adventure in life has been undoubtedly my marriage (read our engagement story here).

When I’m not working on the blog, you’ll find me climbing at the gym or outdoors, watching movies, and exploring our current city. Come along on our adventures on Instagram.


Current City: ATL
Favorite City in the World: Capetown, South Africa
Favorite Eearth Travel: Philips Arena (Go Hawks!)

I was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia but was fortunate enough to catch the travel bug from my dad. I’ve been to every continent besides Antartica. I have a Youtube channel that I started with my brother, and I’m excited to team up with him again on making video content for Eearth Travel! Apart from videos, I’m an actor and also lead worship at my church, 4Pointes.

Nothing wrong with carbo-loading (I’m a fried chicken aficionado). Survivor of the Blizzard of ’93. Expert at tripping upwards. I’m still hoping that one day, my Beanie Babies are worth money. You can follow along on Instagram.


Current City: ATL
Favorite City in the World: Shanghai
Favorite Eearth Travel: Cloudland Canyon

Looking for the best sushi joint or a chill place to grab a beer? I’m your girl. I started writing for a food & drink column for an alternative newsweekly back in 2010, and that’s when I began to explore my hometown of Atlanta. Most of my Eearth Travels were and still are centered around good food and even better bevvies.

Find me cheering at an Atlanta United game, taking a spontaneous weekend getaway, or hanging out at Ponce City Market. Dog mom to Lady and Luna. Does not own a TV. I’m mainly here because Esther and Jacob promised me snacks. You can follow along on Instagram.


Current City: ATL

I’ve traveled to over 100 countries, and because I have spent a lot of time in the air and at airports, I have earned the coveted million miler status. This has also helped me get packing and travel down to a science. My ideal job includes jet setting across the globe experiencing all the natural wonders of the world and different cultures, and discovering extraordinary foods and flavors that weave the global community into a common story, all the while making some kind of positive impact in this world. Currently, I work for the CDC traveling across the world fighting diseases, and I pack in as much adventure as possible in all my free time.


Current City: Atlanta
Favorite City in the World: Providenciales, Turks and Caicos
Favorite Eearth Travel: Ponce City Market

I was born and raised in Virginia but have been in Atlanta for 20+ years. I’m a CPA by profession and am all about numbers and spreadsheets. That usually makes me the one detailing our schedules and budgets on trips. It’s not about traveling cheap, but getting the best bang for buck.

Besides that, I’m a musician at heart and love playing sports. My interests may be all over the place, but whatever I do, I always try to learn or improve and there’s no better way to do that than going on an adventure, whether near or far.

We hope to one day make this space a community of Eearth Travels passionate about exploring their own hometowns. Meanwhile, I hope this can become a place where you can learn more about us, and we can learn more about you!

If you have any questions, you can read our FAQ page or email us at [email protected]