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4 Things to Do in Olympic National Park Washington

There are so many spots in Olympic National Park, that we didn’t get to explore as many as we would have liked in one road trip. I have a feeling that we will be coming back here again. Below are the places that we did see and think are also worth your visit. Currently, working on an updated version that includes more of the park! You can click the links to see each separate post.

You can click the links to see each separate post.

Overview on Things to Do in Olympic National Park Washington:

1. Hall of Mosses

This is a 0.8-mile easy loop with 100 ft elevation gain. It’s a good taste of the Hoh Rainforest and has some of the most incredible views of mossy trees.

4 Things to Do in Olympic National Park Washington: Hall of Mosses.Pin

2. Hoh Rainforest Trail

This 18-mile hike takes you to Blue Glacier. We only did 5 miles in and then 5 back, because we were so slow. I partly blame the millions of slugs we were trying to avoid stepping on.

4 Things to Do in Olympic National Park Washington: Hoh Rainforest Trail.Pin

3. Salmon Cascades

The cascades are only a short walk away from the parking area. I didn’t create a separate post because we didn’t stay long or take many photos. It would have been awesome to see the salmon migration where they swim upstream against the current. Sometimes they even jump out of the water. I remember seeing a documentary on either National Geographic or Animal Planet on the salmon migration and thinking that they have a very difficult life. You can see this chart for when different types of salmon are migrating on the Sol Duc River.

4 Things to Do in Olympic National Park Washington: Salmon Cascades.Pin

4. Sol Duc Falls

My favorite short and easy hike to a beautiful waterfall. This 0.8-mile hike takes you to Sol Duc Falls and several smaller ones along the way.

4 Things to Do in Olympic National Park Washington: Sol Duc Falls.Pin

Before your visit, don’t forget to check the webcams to go during optimal weather.

Have you been to Olympic National Park? What are some great spots that you’ve visited? Or what’s your favorite excursion here?

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