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Polaroid Fotobar Las Vegas

Eearth Travel at the Polaroid Museum and Polaroid Fotobar Las Vegas.  Pin

Welcome to the Eearth Travel link-up! The purpose of this link-up is:

  • to foster gratitude for the place you live
  • to show others great local experiences that they might never find as a tourist
  • to inspire others to explore and be present wherever they are


I picked up photography when my dad bought me my first film SLR 14 ish years ago (Can’t believe it was that long ago!!). It was a time when my friends and I would wander around town and take photos of anything and everything. We made lots of mistakes along the way and spent beaucoup money on developing our photos. There were some gems in there… but I must admit for the most part they were sh*t photos.

Now DSLRs have changed the game so that you can see the photo immediately after you take it, but when I was first practicing photography, DSLRs weren’t in wide distribution, and only Polaroids gave you that option. I’ve always been a fan of Polaroids. It was nice to have something that you can hold and feel in your hands… and SHAKE! :)

When we heard about the Polaroid Fotobar and Polaroid Museum opening up at the Linq Promenade in Las Vegas, I was beyond excited to check it out. Peter, the manager, was nice enough to give us a grand tour of the place so that I could tak photos while no one was around. At the end of our tour, we ordered 6 instagram prints and a shadowbox!

Shadowbox from the Polaroid Fotobar Las Vegas at the Linq.Pin
Polaroid Fotobar Las Vegas at the Linq.Pin

The first floor of the storefront is a colorful and fun place for you to upload, browse, edit, and print your own photos. They give you many options to make your memories into something tangible. You can connect your social media accounts, upload photos directly by usb or even with your phone using email/text.

Polaroid Fotobar Las Vegas at the Linq.Pin

In the back, right corner you will find rainbow colored stairs that will lead you to the Polaroid Museum!

Polaroid Museum and Polaroid Fotobar Las Vegas.  Pin
Polaroid Museum and Polaroid Fotobar Las Vegas.  Pin

Framed on the left are famous photographers holding up their favorite portrait. Andy Warhol held up a self-portrait. ;)

Polaroid Fotobar and Polaroid Museum // Best Things to Do in Las Vegas.Pin

I loved how they featured different instagrammers on their wall. It’s nice how they are an inclusive community encouraging everyone to pick up their cameras and be a photographer. From my past experience in the photography industry, the competitive nature makes most people more exclusive than inclusive. It is tough.

Polaroid Museum and Polaroid Fotobar Las Vegas.  Pin
Polaroid Fotobar and Polariod Museum at the Linq Las Vegas.Pin

I have this!! :) I actually had no idea it was from 1977. This was what inspired the design of instagram’s logo!

Polaroid Museum and Polaroid Fotobar Las Vegas.  Pin
Polaroid Fotobar and Polaroid Museum at the Linq Las Vegas.Pin
Andy Warhol at the Polaroid Fotobar and Polaroid Museum // Fun Things to Do in Las Vegas. Pin

There are a handful of exhibits that will continue to change. While we were there we saw “Capturing Celebrity” which features some of Andy Warhol’s most famous Polaroid photographs. Most people immediately think of pop art in reference to Andy Warhol, but he was also a photographer and always had a camera around his neck! I suppose as an artist you have to collect inspiration from everywhere.

Polaroid Fotobar and Polariod Museum at the Linq Las Vegas.Pin

They also have a rare 20×24 polaroid camera that weighs nearly 250 pounds. The film for this camera can run you upwards of $10,000. There are only 5 working cameras in existence. The polaroid museum had a 20×24 print of Lady Gaga’s self portrait on the wall, and we learned that she is now Polaroid’s Creative Director.

Andy Warhol at the Polaroid Fotobar and Polaroid Museum // Best Things to Do in Las Vegas.Pin
Polaroid Fotobar Las Vegas // Fun Things to Do in Las Vegas. Pin

Don’t do anything that someone else can do. Don’t undertake a  project unless it is manifestly important and nearly impossible – Edwin Land (Scientist, Inventor, Co-founder of Polaroid. He has 444 patents.)

Tips for your visit to the Polaroid Museum and Polaroid Fotobar Las Vegas:

  • $5 per person for the museum
  • We parked at the flamingo parking lot for easy access.
  • Order your photos before heading up to the museum so that your order will be ready when you’re done.
  • The back left corner of the store will show you other custom print options.
  • Don’t shake your new polaroids! For the newer polaroids, rapid movement during development can cause premature separation in the film. It also dries behind a plastic window, it so never touches the air. Ain’t like the old days.

After this visit, it makes me really want to buy this. Anyone have one? Is it worth it? Also, I should really dig up my old polaroids for a future post.

What’s the last polaroid photo you took?

Eearth Travel LINK UP RULES

1. Share your most recent post about a Eearth Travel (i.e., a new area of town or a new food spot you checked out) either in your own hometown or within driving distance. Doesn’t have to be a Thursday post, but mine just happens to be. Unrelated entries or ones linked to your homepage will be deleted.

2. Link back to this site so that others can join in on the fun! Feel free to use the button below if you like!

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3. MOST IMPORTANTLY you MUST visit the person’s blog linked up directly before you and leave them a comment.

4. If you tweet out your Eearth Travel post with #localadventurer I will retweet your link!

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***Currently camping at Sequoia National Park, so if I don’t reply.. it means I don’t have much signal! See you soon!***