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In Foodie Heaven at Mercado de San Miguel Madrid

The Mercado de San Miguel is one of Madrid’s oldest and most beautiful markets and is a must visit for any food lover. Located in the heart of Madrid’s old quarter, it is the last remaining iron market hall in Madrid. Locals and tourists flock to this market to shop, people watch, or grab a bite to eat.

Food Lover's Heaven at Mercado de San Miguel Plaza Mayor Madrid.Pin
Mercado de San Miguel (Best Food in Madrid).Pin
In Foodie Heaven at Mercado de San Miguel Madrid.Pin

We went back twice in one day, once in the morning for fresh squeezed mango juice and then in the evening for tapas and wine. If you can believe it, this photo was shot during mid-afternoon, and when we came back in the evening, it was even more crowded!

San Miguel Market Madrid (Where to Find the Best Food in Madrid).PinIn Foodie Heaven at Mercado de San Miguel Madrid.Pin

There’s a variety of food that makes this the perfect place to sample a little bit of everything. You can start off with jamon, pair it with delicious cheese, or tapas, or buy fresh fruit, and even enjoy a glass of sangria.

Mercado San Miguel / Madrid Market (Places to Eat in Madrid Spain).PinIn Foodie Heaven at Mercado de San Miguel Madrid.Pin
Mercado de San Miguel - Places to Eat in Madrid.Pin
In Foodie Heaven at Mercado de San Miguel Madrid.PinIn Foodie Heaven at Mercado de San Miguel Madrid.Pin
In Foodie Heaven at Mercado de San Miguel Madrid.Pin
Mercado de San Miguel Madrid (Best Things to Do in Madrid).Pin

As a big group, it was hard to stay together. A smaller group of us commandeered a table in the corner and took turns saving seats while others went to get food. A lot of people picked up food and found areas outside the building or wherever they could find a surface.

Mercado San Miguel (What to Do in Madrid Spain).Pin
San Miguel Market Madrid (Things to Do in Madrid Spain).PinIn Foodie Heaven at Mercado de San Miguel Madrid.Pin

We enjoyed trying different foods and recommend this place to anyone visiting Madrid. The surrounding area has a lot to explore as well.

P.S. You have to try these pimientos de padron! We may try to make these at home. You can skip the mini baguettes with jamon. They looked better than they tasted.

Pimientos de Padron (Best Food in Madrid at the San Miguel Market in Plaza de San Miguel).Pin
In Foodie Heaven at Mercado de San Miguel Madrid.Pin

Pro Tips for Visiting Mercado de San Miguel Madrid

  • It’s best to bring cash, but some places also accept credit card.
  • If you’re planning on taking photos, visit during the day. The market is surrounded by glass so you get beautiful natural lighting.
  • Walk around and scope out everything before you pick a place. Some stalls have two locations serving different food. The paella place we picked was supplied by a “mother” restaurant and they had more options.
  • Some stalls offer a free glass of wine when you order something (for example, the paella cart in the middle row).
  • They have very limited tables, so if you see one during a busy hour, have someone grab it and take turns getting food. We wouldn’t recommend coming for a meal with a group larger than 6 if you’re hoping to stay together.
  • If you really like to plan ahead, you can see a full list of their current stalls here.

Plaza de San Miguel, s/n 28005
Madrid, Spain

(+34) 915 42 49 36

Mo-Tu-We-Su: 10AM – 12AM
Th-Fr-Sa: 10:00AM – 2AM

What are some markets you’ve been to? Have you tried much of Spanish cuisine?

xoxo estherJacob

Thank you Contiki for hosting our trip. See our 15 day trip itinerary here.
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