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How to Drink More Water 30 Day Challenge

Hey there! We’d like to welcome you to the Maximize Your Month Linkup where we share our goals and motivate one another to pursue our dreams. We’d love for you to a part of our community. Join us by adding a link to your own goals post at the bottom of the post.

How to Drink More Water.

Last month I challenged myself to drink a gallon of water daily because I wasn’t convinced by this article and wanted to see results for myself. If you look at the lighting in each photo, they’re pointing it straight down on the before to create more shadows under the eyes. Always look at the light or lack of light reflected in the eyes.

I’ve seen people try different methods, but I found what worked for me. Do you need tips for something as simple as drinking water?

Well, yes… you do… if you hate it as much as I do.

Here’s what I learned and some tips if you’re trying to do it too!


  • Break it up! A gallon of water a day might sound daunting, but if you break it up into 8-pint glasses daily, it’s not all that bad.
  • Take out the obstacles / do them first thing in the morning. I poured my eight glasses in the morning and always had one in front of me while working on the computer. The rest were in the fridge, waiting to be swapped out.
  • Keep water within reach. Always have a bottle of water with you. The most challenging days for finishing my eight glasses were when we were out and about.
  • It’s not cheating if you add a little flavor. Hey, whatever helps! Just don’t overdo it. :P I loved trying everly from my Causebox or adding fresh fruit.
  • Eat water-rich foods. It doesn’t have to be just water. You can also stay hydrated with foods like watermelon, cucumber, celery.
  • Get an early start. The most I could chug at the end of the day was 4 cups without feeling sick.
  • Use a water-tracking app or water bottle with markers. I use this bottle at home. It’s always on my desk or at my bedside.


  • I still hate drinking water. That may never change, but I must do what’s good for my body.
  • Even if I hate water, if I leave it on my desk, I’ll voluntarily drink it because I will drink or eat just about anything that happens to be in front of me.
  • The more water I drink, the thirstier I am. I find that to be strange. My body used to be so dehydrated that maybe it learned not to crave water.
  • You will lose weight. I often don’t realize that when I feel hungry, I’m just thirsty. I didn’t measure my weight mainly because we have no scale, but my pants fit looser.
  • I had to pee all the time! It was incredibly inconvenient for road trips.
  • Drinking more water will help regulate bowel movements. TMI?

BEFORE & AFTER (Can you see any difference?):

How to Drink More Water.How to Drink More Water.

It doesn’t seem like my face changed much. I should have done before and after shots of my body!

Last month’s highlights on Instagram

Last Month's Instagram Recap + How to Drink More Water.

See more on our Instagram (esthergram & jacobgram & our cats!).

Last Month’s Goals

21 Great American Road Trips to Put on Your Bucket List
Ultimate Cruise Calendar: Where and When to Go
21 Things to Do in Cabo San Lucas + 1 Thing You Should Never Do
Learning to Scuba Dive
Caravan Safari through San Diego Wild Animal Park
15 Popular Day Trips from San Diego
Feeding Lions, Tigers, and Grizzly Bears (oh my!)
How to Make Money Blogging (What I learned over 3 years)

P.S. Sorry, there were so many this month! I had a hard time picking my favorites. Do you guys even like these blog post recaps? Is this post too busy? Should I get rid of them?

This Month’s Goals

For August’s 30-day (or 31-day) goal, I want to read at least 30 minutes daily. Hopefully, it will be easy after returning from our Turks and Caicos trip. Usually, going abroad means I read more since I’m not glued to my computer. Have you seen my summer reading list? It ain’t lookin so hot!

Maximize Your Month Link Up

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