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The Famous Doors at the Golden Gates of Palais Royale

Fes’ Royal Palace, or the Dar el-Makhzen, unfortunately, is not open to the public, but the outside is still worth a visit. The 7 golden gates that mark the entrance to the palace can only leave you imagining how grand it is inside. These famous, beautiful brass doors with matching knockers are covered with intricate patterns and grace the covers of many Morocco travel books.

The Famous Doors at the Golden Gates of Palais Royale Fes Morocco.Pin
The Famous Doors at the Royal Palace Morocco.PinThe Famous Doors at the Golden Gates of Palais Royale Fes Morocco.Pin
The Famous Doors at the Golden Gates of Palais Royale Fes Morocco.Pin

Surrounding the doors is tile work, or zellij, and carved cedar wood:

The Famous Doors at the Golden Gates of Palais Royale Fes Morocco.PinThe Famous Doors at the Golden Gates of Palais Royale.Pin
The Famous Doors at the Golden Gates of Palais Royale Fez Morocco.Pin
The Famous Doors at the Golden Gates of Palais Royale Fes Morocco.Pin
The Famous Doors at the Golden Gates of Palais Royale Fes Morocco.PinThe Famous Doors at the Golden Gates of Palais Royale Fes Morocco.Pin
The Famous Doors at the Golden Gates of Palais Royale Fes Morocco.Pin

The current King of Morocco uses the palace when he visits Fes. It has stunning gardens, mosques, beautifully painted ceilings, and an ancient school for Koranic studies, or Madrassa, dating back to the 14th century. Maybe one day they’ll open it to the public.

The Famous Doors at the Golden Gates of Palais Royale Fes Morocco.PinThe Famous Doors at the Golden Gates of Palais Royale Fes Morocco.Pin
The Famous Doors at the Golden Gates of Palais Royale Fes Morocco.Pin

On our tour, we made a quick stop in the morning at the gates. The area in front of the gates was wide and open, and we were able to wait and take turns in front of the famous doors without feeling like it was overcrowded.

Pro Tips for Visiting the Palais Royale in Fes Morocco:

  • Arrive early morning to avoid the crowds. This is a common stop for tours and tourists.
  • AVOID taking photos of guards or trying to sneak a shot of anything inside the surrounding gates. They are very strict and may confiscate your camera.
  • If the main gates have large crowds or long lines taking photos, just scoot over and shoot the side doors until a spot opens up. They are just as beautiful and intricate.
  • Fun Fact: they use lemon juice to clean the brass doors.

Golden Gates of Palais Royale
12 Derb el Miter Oued Zhoune Luxury Riad Medina, Fes, Morocco

Why do you think the palace has 7 gates all in different sizes?

xoxo estherJacob

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