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100 Things to Be Thankful For List

We’re coming close to the end of 52 weeks of practicing gratitude, and since I’ve done mostly thematic posts, here’s an easy list of things to be grateful for.

My goal this year for practicing gratitude was simple. I was tired of feeling unhappy with my life, and I knew I complained a lot. I often used the excuse that I was letting off steam, but in reality I was only dwelling on the bad stuff. It was time to remind myself of all the reasons to be thankful.

100 Things to Be Thankful For ListPin

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Last Updated: November 2, 2020

What are you thankful for? Everyone should decide on their own when they’re ready to be on their gratitude journey. It usually never works when you tell someone you should be thankful for what you have. I know it took me a while to start listing what i am thankful for. Are you ready for yours?

100 Things to be Thankful For List

  1. Air Conditioning

It would be so hard to survive the summers in Vegas without it. Plus the roof over our head to keep us cool.

You can order anything you want and get it in 1-2 days! Let’s be real. It’s too convenient, so this one could be a blessing or curse.

  1. America

We do like to complain a fair share about our current leadership, but I still need to acknowledge that we live in a country where we enjoy so many freedoms. I can’t imagine being born in North Korea.

  1. Bed

It’s the most comfortable bed I have and probably will ever sleep in.

  1. Being Debt Free

Allows us to live more freely and generously.

To learn & to escape. Here’s our list of best travel books of all time.

  1. Brain

Our ability to learn. Plus, it’s still in tact.

So I can travel lightly with long list of books.

So soothing. We recently did a DIY to make our own.

It’s spacious and much nicer when we go car camping.

Yeti Bear Cooler + 21 Car Camping Essentials - Everything You Need to PackPin
  1. Change

There are times we feel stuck, but we always have the choice to stay where we’re at or move on. We can always grow and change.

A simple thing to be grateful for but so satisfying.

Makes me believe that it’s possible to conquer your fears.

  1. Clothes

I seldom know what to wear, but I know I always have plenty of clothes in my closet.

  1. Cloud Watching

Im thankful for the fact that I can just look up and use my imagination.

  1. Comedies

Like Bob’s Burgers and Rick and Morty that help me laugh, forget, and remind me not to take things so seriously.

  1. Community Group

For cooking and having us over, encouraging us, and being the community that we need even though it’s not always what we want to do.

It makes editing so much easier with larger screens.

  1. Couponing

It saves us a ton of money.

And backyard get togethers.

  1. Couches to Crash On

There are so many people who opened up their homes to us while traveling.

  1. Craft Beer

It gave us fun new things to try during our early years of marriage.

No matter how busy we get, I’m glad we make time to just have fun. Need ideas? Here are some from A to Z.

  1. Dishwasher

Makes washing dishes easier.

  1. Evernote

It organizes all my past, present, and future blog post ideas.

A reminder that things are not permanent, and you should enjoy them as much as you can while you have them. Here are some of the best fall foliage destinations in the US.

Fall Colors in Oregon at Boardman Tree Farm + Greenwood Tree Farm / Oregon Tree Farm // localadventurer.comPin
Fall Foliage + 15 Things to Do in Acadia National Park You Can't MissPin
  1. Family

I am thankful for all the loved ones that support us wherever we need to go in life.

  1. Farmers and farmers markets

Delicious fresh produce!

It makes me so happy especially when we find a great new food spot.

  1. Flexible Schedule

To work double one week, and then take the next week off.

And other comfortable shoes where my feet can be free.

  1. Free WiFi

Finding this is gold especially when you’re traveling out of country.

  1. Free Samples

Simple, I know, but it doesn’t have to be a list of deep things to be thankful for.

  1. Freezer

So we don’t have to throw out our food when we travel and a great cooler when we travel.

  1. Friends

I’m grateful for people who just leave a space for me in their hearts whether it’s for life or even if it’s a short time. I’m grateful for girlfriends who put in the effort to make long distance work and those who’ve encouraged us and kept us grounded.

  1. Frozen Grapes

Especially the cotton candy grapes! As you’re making your list, think of unique things to be thankful for too.

  1. Grace

There were and are so many times that I don’t deserve it. I always have to remind myself to be grateful to God for everything.

  1. Generosity

So many others have been generous with me and taught me to be generous too.

  1. Good Night’s Sleep

For an insomniac, it’s one of the best things you can get.

  1. Golden Hour

All you photographers know what I’m talking about.

  1. Google

The fact that you can pretty much look up anything you’re curious about.

  1. GPS

How would we get anywhere nowadays?

  1. Grandma (Late)

Even when her health and mind were deteriorating, she kept a smile on her face and was grateful. She taught me so many life lessons.

I love surprises in the mail and I know so many others do too! Luckily, a few of my gfs and I have still been keeping it alive.

  1. Happy Hour Specials

Especially when you least expect it.

  1. Health

I can use all my limbs and all my senses, and I’m thankful for life.

  1. Hope

There’s always hope even in the darkest times.

This has taught me that I can push myself beyond the limits I thought possible.

The Wave and Other Famous Hiking Trails in the USPin

And the practice of being thankful for what recipes we know.

  1. Honest Conversations

So refreshing to just let your guard down and talk.

  1. House Slippers

My friend Carol made them for me to keep the cat litter off my feet.

Somehow Jacob has still managed to stay by my side over the years even through all the crazy curveballs I send his way. On the flip side, I absolutely enjoyed my time being single too. It was a great time for growth, travel, and pursuing every hobby. Life was simpler when you only had to decide things for yourself and not a family unit.

It captures memories and my feed is a great reminder of events in my life. I’ve also met a lot of lifelong friends on there.

So many fall cooking recipes that can be hands off. Here are some great recipes.

  1. Smoothies

We got our vitamix, and we’ve been making green smoothies EVERY DAY.

  1. Sunsets

Love watching the sunset. It automatically makes me ask myself what am I thankful for.

It makes baking so much easier. I don’t know how I baked before I had one.

  1. Laundry Machine

Having one in our place. This is such a luxury in certain cities like NYC and LA. No more coin laundry or shared laundry. Also, don’t you love putting on warm, fresh clothes that just came out of the laundry!

  1. Lemon Tree

It’s still alive and shows me that I don’t have a complete black thumb.

  1. Lists

Making them and checking things off lists are my favorite.

  1. Maintenance Guys

They work hard to keep the place running.

And all the ways we can use them.

  1. Mentors

Whether it’s for a certain skill or life mentor, I’ve always had various people who were pouring into my life.

Jacob writes me love notes in these.
  1. Mother Teresa

Her life was inspirational and so full of wisdom. The advice I always carry is to start small. Smile, be kind, or love one person (love your family) before you think about changing the world.

  1. Music

Old favorite songs that bring back memories.

  1. Ocean

The wind and the smells of the ocean. It also makes me feel like me and my problems are just so small looking at the vastness.

Thor's Well, Cape Perpetua Scenic Area + Your Ultimate Oregon Coast Guide // localadventurer.comPin
East Coast Trail NewfoundlandPin
  1. Pajamas

And getting to wear them almost all day everyday if I wanted.

With the perfect amount of flow, control, and thickness. 0.38 ftw!
  1. Perfect Playlist

That you find or make yourself.

  1. Pedicures

So relaxing and a good way to get in girl time.

Our cats Mika and Sebastian have adopted us more than we’ve adopted them.

  1. Phones

It’s a powerful computer in the palm of your hands, and you always have a camera on hand.

  1. Photography

I’m thankful that I didn’t go into the medical field and decided to pursue photography. I’m also grateful that it supported us financially for a while, but I’m most grateful for so many captured memories.

  1. Piano

Even though I’ve taken almost a decade off, I can still pick it up!

So many fascinating creatures in the world.

  1. Pumpkin Everything

I’m especially excited about pumpkin beers (my favorite).

  1. Ramen
Indomie and Shin Ramen to satisfy late night cravings.
  1. Random Acts of Kindness

Want to pay it forward? Here are some great ideas.

  1. Savings

It allows us to follow our dreams and take many more risks while living out west.

  1. Sleeping In

My favorite thing to be thankful for.

  1. Spotify

I would not have new music to listen to if it wasn’t for spotify.

  1. School

Sure, I don’t use my chemistry degree, but I did make friends and lots of connections.

For those days you’re too lazy to cook and also don’t want to settle for fast food.

  1. Sponsored Kids

They come from a very different country and lifestyle, and teach us a lot about humanity. Though we are all different, we are also all so similar.

  1. Stars

It’s amazing when you’re somewhere without much light pollution and you can see the billions of stars. Have you been to a star party?

Our very first Star Party on Mount Potosi Las Vegas! Jupiter and the orion nebula.Pin
Star Trail PhotographyPin
  1. Sunshine

You appreciate it so much more if you live in the PNW and rarely get it.

  1. Sundresses

So comfy to wear.

  1. Therapy

It has helped me take tiny baby steps to be more emotionally and mentally healthy.

  1. Tough Times

I’ve grown so much from these times and it has also helped me learn to empathize.

  1. Trivia Nights

Expanding my mind with useless knowledge.

  1. Skype

Helps me stay connected to friends and family who all live on the opposite coast.

  1. Netflix

Currently catching up on a bunch of K-dramas.

  1. Travel

We’re so grateful that we have experienced what we have of the world.

  1. Water

Yeah. I often take this for granted, but traveling to other countries remind me I need to be grateful for warm, running water and flushing toilets.

  1. Wildflowers

And weeds that my mom makes room for in her backyard.

  1. Blog

It’s given us a lot of amazing opportunities. I could probably make a list of things to be thankful for at work alone.

  1. You!

Thank you so much for reading and following along on my gratitude journey.

Putting together a list of things to be thankful for sounds a lot more challenging than it really is. I think once you get the ball rolling, gratitudes keep flowing. Just as I was inspired by this blog post, I hope this will inspire you to make a list of your own or to start gratitude journaling. Now to work on my 500 things to be grateful for list in my own gratitude journal (or maybe I should just jump straight to 1000).

This is week 51 of practicing gratitude. See other gratitude posts here.

Tips for Your Gratitude List

If you get stuck and need some help thinking of some things to be thankful for, here are a few tips to help you finish your list.

  • Use the alphabet. Think of things to thankful for a-z using each letter as a prompt.
  • Keep it simple. What are some things to be thankful for today?
  • Laugh about it. What are funny things to be thankful for that make you laugh and smile.
  • Use some inspiration. Look up things to be thankful for quotes and see if that sparks some ideas.
  • Don’t do it all at once. Spend a few minutes everyday and think of 3 things to be thankful for rather than 100 at once.
  • Think outside the box. Are there weird things that only you would be thankful for?
  • Think about specific people. You can be thankful for that person, but you can even delve deeper and think of qualities you see in them.

Have you written a 100 Things to Be Thankful For List? What are you grateful for today?

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Esther + Jacob

Esther and Jacob are the founders of Eearth Travel, which is one of the top 5 travel blogs in the US. They believe that adventure can be found both near and far and hope to inspire others to explore locally. They explore a new city in depth every year and currently base themselves in Las Vegas.

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