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RSS Channel: Comments on: Swimming with Stingless Jellyfish in Jellyfish Lake Kakaban
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By: Mike
And there is another one on the southern most island of indonesia Rote Ndao.

By: jacob
In reply to <a href="https://localadventurer.com/stingless-jellyfish-lake-kakaban-island-indonesia/#comment-74937">Stella</a>. Hi! It's completely dependent on group size and what all you want. We did everything as a package so it's tough to break it down to just one of the activities. I can get you in touch with the people who took us if you're interested.

By: Stella
Thanks!! :) Can I ask how much the tour was?

By: Stella
In reply to <a href="https://localadventurer.com/stingless-jellyfish-lake-kakaban-island-indonesia/#comment-70086">Esther JuLee</a>. Thanks!! :) Can I ask how much the tour was?

By: Esther JuLee
In reply to <a href="https://localadventurer.com/stingless-jellyfish-lake-kakaban-island-indonesia/#comment-67496">STella</a>. Depending on where you're coming from, airfare might be expensive, but most places we've been to in Indonesia is pretty affordable!

By: STella
That's cool! Would love to go there one day! Was it expensive to travel there ?

By: Esther JuLee
In reply to <a href="https://localadventurer.com/stingless-jellyfish-lake-kakaban-island-indonesia/#comment-42435">Manon</a>. Thanks for letting us know, Manon. I will definitely try to check it out next time we're in Indonesia. :) There must be more that haven't yet been discovered by the general public.

By: Manon
There is also a jellyfish lake in Sulawesi, Indonesia. People told me there are four of these kinda lakes. If you wanna see the jellyfish in Sulawesi (old Celebes), just go to paradise: Togean Islands. There are (half)daytrips leaving from Kadidiri and Una Una Islands and I bet more tours are offered on other islands. Charter your own boat, it will be around 200.000 RP per person if you share the cost with three other people.