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RSS Channel: Comments on: The Ultimate Guide to Crater Lake National Park Oregon
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By: Esther JuLee
In reply to <a href="https://localadventurer.com/crater-lake-national-park-oregon/#comment-10761">Emily</a>. I forgot that she talked about it in Wild. Did it make you want to try the PCT? haha I kept going back and forth. It made me think if she could do it, I could too.. but man think about all the pain.

By: Emily
I had no idea it was so deep! Very cool. I remember reading about this in "Wild," I think?

By: Esther JuLee
In reply to <a href="https://localadventurer.com/crater-lake-national-park-oregon/#comment-10714">Juliette | Namastay Traveling</a>. There's definitely plenty to do! :) You should visit!!

By: Esther JuLee
In reply to <a href="https://localadventurer.com/crater-lake-national-park-oregon/#comment-10716">Kristin @ Camels & Chocolate</a>. Haha it's such an old photo that I dug up. I actually can't even remember what we were doing when we took that.

By: Kristin @ Camels & Chocolate
OMG, Jacob is so high in that bed shot! Also, I remember going to Crater Lake and never having seen a blue like that one before. So stunning!

By: Juliette | Namastay Traveling
I've always wanted to go to Crater Lake, but had no idea there's so much to do there outside of the lake! Looks amazing!